Articles in 2019

During the Christmas holidays I usually spend some time finding a new technology to learn. This often means taking some short online course and trying a new project.As I am doing most of the coding for my own learning I would say that whilst it is very ni

Read More calendar 30 Dezämber, 2019

In the past weeks I had the chance to work on Server-side swift. The concept is very interesting: use Swift not just for an iOS or Mac OS app but for a server-side web application or backend. What? Why would you need this when you can code your shiny API

Read More calendar 19 Dezämber, 2019

Logging in with a key is way safer (and easier) than using your password each time. Here is how to set it up on Ubuntu 18. I assume you already have generated your SSH key. $ ssh-keygen -t rsa 4096 -C "my key" once you have the key just run ssh

Read More calendar 10 Dezämber, 2019

Logging in with a key is way safer (and easier) than using your password each time. Here is how to set it up on Ubuntu 18. I assume you already have generated your SSH key. $ ssh-keygen -t rsa 4096 -C "my key" once you have the key just run ssh

Read More calendar 10 Dezämber, 2019

While the good folks at Electron are fixing the issue for submitting to the apple store I decided to take the dust of my windows razer laptop and do what electron is supposed to do so well: build a windows version for my retro MP3 player. With the excelle

Read More calendar 10 Novämber, 2019

My last post  made it to hacker news where there are over 420 comments about this issue. I am glad that this bug got some widespread attention and I am also grateful to the electron developers that are looking for a way to fix the private API us

Read More calendar 05 Novämber, 2019

Finding the right design for an app can be tricky. With so many CSS frameworks I se the usual suspects (bootstrap, material design etc.) pretty much everywhere. I can't blame developers for using them. It is very easy to be up and running in no time but..

Read More calendar 05 Novämber, 2019

Allright, as a follow up to the previous chapter in this odyssey I can now state that, apparently, you cannot submit an electron 6 or 7 app to the apple store: The first refusal from apple states: Your app app links against the following non-public framew

Read More calendar 02 Novämber, 2019

Following my last post I wasn’t much successful with my first electron app, elektro. But I wasn’t totally wrong: you do need the entitlements to reflect the permission to open selected files. However, my impossibility to test the MAS/.pkg locally left me

Read More calendar 01 Novämber, 2019

Another day another try :) So my first attempt was a mixed bag. I managed to start submit the package to apple but the review says that they cannot open files. The big issue with electron (now I am using Electron 7) is that – unlike Flutter for example –

Read More calendar 28 Oktoober, 2019

If you are building a “tray app” - so an app that only appears on the tray and not the dock (applicable only to Mac OS X as Windows and. think Linux do not have the dock) you first need to hide the dock: app.on('ready', () => { // hides dock for

Read More calendar 27 Oktoober, 2019

Alright, I haven’t given up on submitting my electron app to the Apple Store. So I decided to give electron-packager a try. I have found a tutorial here but I did have to customize a few things: First you can run the signing process directly from electron

Read More calendar 26 Oktoober, 2019

As you can read in my how to notarize an electron package I did manage to have my OS X app notarized (so it doesn’t show a warning when a user tries to install from thee dmg) but what if I want to publish my app on the apple store ? To do that you need a

Read More calendar 26 Oktoober, 2019

I have been spending a lot of time on figuring out how to comply with the new apple requirements about Notarizing your app. In short, unless your Mac OS X app is notarized, it would be impossible to distribute it directly to users without nasty warnings t

Read More calendar 24 Oktoober, 2019

Web programming languages comparisons have always been an amusing exercise. Whenever you google something like PHP vs. Node.js you almost certainly end up the usual answers that says“node.js is not a language..javascript is…”or“there is no better programm

Read More calendar 23 Oktoober, 2019

This is my short review of Polka which is_ “… just a native HTTP server with added support for routing, middleware, and sub-applications…!” _even if express is fairly light, polka is even lighter. What I found interesting about this framework is giving y

Read More calendar 23 Oktoober, 2019