Articles in 2020

During the winter holidays I always take some time to explore new technologies. In my previous post I have questioned the utility of static sites generators in 2020. It turns out that static websites are now a big thing and as you can see on Jamstack ther

Read More calendar 30 Dezämber, 2020

I have spent some time with MongoJS and I quickly noticed that some of the easy operations like delete and update records are not very clearly laid out in the readme so here is my quick guide on how to use MongoJS with Express: Connection var mongojs = re

Read More calendar 23 Dezämber, 2020

For my end of the year fun project I have spent some time testing the various mongodb drivers available for express. Mongodb: the official driver is not as straightforward as it should Mongose: I cannot understand why you would want to specify a model for

Read More calendar 21 Dezämber, 2020

Rich text editors (also known as wysiwyg what you see is what you get) are pretty important for every blogging/CMS application, no matter how small. In the past I have been using Medium editor which is pretty good and totally free and open source. I am

Read More calendar 12 Dezämber, 2020

I just wanted to add a quick update to my previous mini tutorial (wow! amost a year) on using MongoDB with a SWIFT server side framework like Kitura or Vapor. First, the official MongoDB Swift

Read More calendar 11 Dezämber, 2020

Allright last August I moved back to Polka JS but now I am back again to Django 🐍! Why ? Well I think I spent more time in Django to be able to figure out more things than in nodejs/polka or express. A lot of things are very straightforward in Django and

Read More calendar 07 Novämber, 2020

Sometime ago I wrote a simple CMS in Go that uses just the default library net/http for routing. One of the benefits of go is that, unlike other languages like python, ruby, nodejs etc. you don’t have to use a framework. The default libraries comes with t

Read More calendar 18 Oktoober, 2020

With Corona numbers going up (again!) all over the world, keeping a safety distance has become pretty much a new social imperative. Under this new normal wearing a Parfum seems less intuitive and certainly not a priority. This said I found that keeping a

Read More calendar 14 Septämber, 2020

It is very easy to like pretty things. Everyone likes them. In the case of website pretty means also modern. There are hundreds of pretty, modern and professional templates or CSS classes to craft a website. I took a different approach and today I “downgr

Read More calendar 19 Auguscht, 2020

Before discussing the options to contact me please note that all the apps and software discussed in the articles are offered “as is” without any warranty or support. I do not collect any personal data, display or display and advertisement. I am thankful f

Read More calendar 19 Auguscht, 2020

Web 🗂 This Website :) (Swift) 🏎 Retro, no-nonsense crypto quotes (NextJS) 📰 The first HN clone with Open Dyslexic font (Svelte) 🔐 strong passphrases in Swiss German and Romansh (Javascript, client side) 🌍

Read More calendar 18 Auguscht, 2020

This site is a small blog/journal detailing my experience with coding in various technologies like Swift, Javascript, Svelte, Python (more precisely Django), NodeJS, Golang and PHP 8. It mostly serves as a way to highlight my journey in understanding how

Read More calendar 18 Auguscht, 2020

During the winter holidays I always take some time to explore new technologies.I..

Read More calendar 18 Auguscht, 2020

Both MySQL and MariaDB provide a native way to encrypt and decrypt data using the AES algorithm. I am told by experienced programmers that is not a good idea to store password this way (unless they are hashed) because the decryption key might appear in

Read More calendar 17 Auguscht, 2020

One of the very useful functions in express is res.redirect so that you can easily redirect to a different page. Polka 0.5.0 doesn’t support it out of the box but some digging in GitHub revealed a creative way to do it: app.use(function(req, res, next) {

Read More calendar 17 Auguscht, 2020

Here I am! switching backend again: I am back to Polka JS 💃 The reasons are pretty much the same of my post of last March so now I am here to stay :) I liked the challenge to write my own admin and not having to fight with some Django settings. I still li

Read More calendar 15 Auguscht, 2020

Just a short follow up to my previous post of few months ago.My elected winner w...

Read More calendar 05 Auguscht, 2020

Selawik was released by Microsoft as an open source font as a replacement for the proprietary Segoe UI. This is pretty significant and unthinkable (Microsoft and open source?) just a few years ago. They even release the glyphs source file. Wow! This is no

Read More calendar 04 Auguscht, 2020

I usually don’t do a lot of reposting but these are very entertaining by Sarah Cooper This sounds a lot like me in meetings and this is not just very funny but true or even more polite Credits:The Cooper Review There is also a calendar available for p

Read More calendar 02 Auguscht, 2020

Today I purchased a license for the web version of the font Tahoma that is now used in this website. Born to be added in Windows 95 it fits well with the retro windows theme of this website. The default font that came with the CSS was Arial so why change

Read More calendar 02 Auguscht, 2020

Back in the late 90’s (to give you some context Google was founded in 1998) the web was moving rapidly from static websites (made with Microsoft Frontpage, Dreamweaver or other now obsolete HTML/CSS editors) to dynamic website. There was Perl which was pr

Read More calendar 02 Auguscht, 2020

##Fonts.Yoga! is a game that challenges you to identify very similar fonts: Helvetica, Arial, San Francisco and! ###These three fonts appear almost identical but..they are not! Collect points by guessing the right font! ###How do

Read More calendar 19 Juli, 2020

hi I have spent a bit some time coming up with a new iOS app idea. I never managed to do a game. Since I love fonts I got this idea: how about a simple game where you need to identify 4 very similar fonts and can learn the 100 most frequently used German

Read More calendar 19 Juli, 2020

I didn’t write in this blog since May. A lot of things happened since then, most notably the end of lockdown in Switzerland and return to semi-normality. Not full normality because 3 digits cases (or high 2 digits) are still reported daily. Mostly becaus

Read More calendar 18 Juli, 2020

It looks like moving back and forth to different technologies is my new hobby 🤔. Truth to be told all frameworks/web programming languages have pro and cons. I recently made some simple micro-website in PHP7 and it was pretty cool too. For this blog (sinc

Read More calendar 04 Mai, 2020

My latest ZĂźri.Tours app  (yes I know a tourism app during the lockdown is 🤨) was approved for iOS distribution but...not for macOS) but why? Because it is apparently a book📚:"Your app is primarily a book and is therefore not appropriate for the App

Read More calendar 28 April, 2020

Probably this is the worse time ever to release a tourism related app. I have however been intrigued to try to develop an app with SwiftUI: the new framework launched by Apple last year.I welcome the idea of a simplier way to to an app in Swift: it was al

Read More calendar 27 April, 2020

During this global corona virus pandemic, like many, I have been stuck trying to create a daily routine. I have read that this can be useful and perhaps help to lift the spirit in a difficult time. Listen to radio is not something that I started now (I al

Read More calendar 13 April, 2020

Europe and Switzerland haveen plagued by COVID-19 also known as Corona Virus. Things have been pretty grim. In Switzerland going out is not forbidden but all shops are closed beside groceries stores and pharmacies. Even if is not formally forbidden to go

Read More calendar 25 März, 2020

Taking advantage of the extra time imposed by the current situation with the 🦠 I have now moved back my blog from Python/Django to NodeJS. Why? After posting about how cool was to move to Django this sounds a bit weird but actually all the “pro” points of

Read More calendar 17 März, 2020

I have always been fascinated –and sometimes amazed – by fonts. Typography is extremely important both offline and online. Some logos are now made just from the typeface e.g. Salt, Burberry or Google (do I really need to post a link to google?!). It is no

Read More calendar 12 März, 2020

In the past week I have noticed in the news something new and extremely cool: A rotary mobile phone - Cellphone invented by Space Engineer Justine Haupt and made available in an open source fashion including all the schematics to produce it (even the 3D

Read More calendar 22 Februar, 2020

As a follow up to my previous post on cloud security there is of course another option for storing your file securely: run your own files ☁️ cloud service. This is not as hard as it seems. Here is how to do it step by step Step 1 Have a server The best opt

Read More calendar 14 Februar, 2020

Cloud services are now no longer the exception by the norm. Your emails (unless you use your own mail server), your phone data, your chats. Pretty much everything is on “the cloud”. Just a few years ago sensitive files like passport, degree copy, birth ce

Read More calendar 13 Februar, 2020

If you are using Django for running your blog or website you almost certainly need a WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editor to make your life – of the one of your writers – easier. I have tried pretty much all the editors available in the official

Read More calendar 13 Februar, 2020

I have recently decided to move my django deployment from Nginx + Gunicorn to Apache and mod_wsgi. There are a few reasons for this but, primarily, is about easy to setup and maintain several django instances on the same dedicated server. With Nginx and G

Read More calendar 21 Januar, 2020

After flirting for a long time with different web-framework solutions for my humble website (and other hobby projects) I decided to move this blog from NodeJS to Python, more precisely to Django. Why ? Well it is said that among the rules of programming t

Read More calendar 11 Januar, 2020

One of the recurring mistakes in a new django app is to leave the as generated when you create your app and then store it on GitHub (or a similar repository) where your credentials will be easily available to others. For instance your secret

Read More calendar 11 Januar, 2020

This is the summary of the first article

Read More calendar 01 Januar, 2020