Fonts.Yoga App!
Sunntig,19 Juli, 2020

I have spent a bit some time coming up with a new iOS app idea. I never managed to do a game. Since I love fonts I got this idea: how about a simple game where you need to identify 4 very similar fonts and can learn the 100 most frequently used German verbs?

So here it is:
##Fonts.Yoga: guess fonts and learn German verbs! is a game that challenges you to identify very similar fonts: Helvetica, Arial, San Francisco and These three fonts appear almost identical but..they are not! Collect points by guessing the right font! Even if you don’t guess it you will be able to see the frequency rank of the verb and the translation to English. So in any case you can improve your German while having fun!

First the fonts:

These three fonts appear almost identical but..they are not! Collect points (and learn the 100 most used German verbs) by guessing the right font!

It is extremely simple to use yet it took some time to code (mostly to get the logic and flow right!). This is done entirely in SwiftUI.

I hope that you will like it!

Click below to install it on your iPhone!

Install 🍎