From Django 🐍with 🤎 love!
Samschtig,07 Novämber, 2020

Allright last August I moved back to Polka JS but now I am back again to Django 🐍!
Why ? Well I think I spent more time in Django to be able to figure out more things than in nodejs/polka or express.

A lot of things are very straightforward in Django and I still can’t manage to do all I want in node.
I missed a number of things: django admin, the integrated login system, security features.

So may be is time for me to focus more on improving my skills in Python and its most popular web framwork.

I recently bought a copy of Django for APIs so I plan to spend some time on it to have a good backend for a iOS app. Of course you can do a simple API in Node but I like the integrated system in Django.

My short conclusion after many months of back and forth is that if you want a non-opinionated approach Express/Node are probably a great option but, if you like Python 🐍 (that is now the Second most popular programming language) Django got you covered for your web related projects.