I have been working on a new font adaptation and I wanted to try to create a variable font. The benefits of variable fonts for the web are clear: in a much smaller font size you can include different weights. So here it is “David.Dev Sans” Variable font that includes 6 weights (light, semi-light , regular, medium, semi bold and bold) in just 54.2 kb!
See the Pen Variable font animation by gurugeek (@gurugeek) on CodePen.
<script async src="https://cpwebassets.codepen.io/assets/embed/ei.js"></script>The font is based on the open-source Selawik font from Microsoft. The only typographic different is the capital “I” that is using the Roman I to avoid confusion with the L.
I found this font to be very clear and distinct. On the desktop once you install the single file you will have access to all the six weights of the font.