Articles in design

Welcome to the completely re-designed! The new design is complete different and is inspired by Brutalist web design (see if you are curious) but without exagerating - I still think that beauty is important. I have s

Read More calendar 18 Januar, 2021

It is very easy to like pretty things. Everyone likes them. In the case of website pretty means also modern. There are hundreds of pretty, modern and professional templates or CSS classes to craft a website. I took a different approach and today I “downgr

Read More calendar 19 Auguscht, 2020

I didn’t write in this blog since May. A lot of things happened since then, most notably the end of lockdown in Switzerland and return to semi-normality. Not full normality because 3 digits cases (or high 2 digits) are still reported daily. Mostly becaus

Read More calendar 18 Juli, 2020