Articles in django

There are several tutorials on how to run django with pm2 but all use to deploy and this doesn’t seem like a good idea. Even if behind Nginx, you should not use the django deployment server in production but you can run django with pm2 and gunic

Read More calendar 20 Novämber, 2021

There are several ways to deploy your Django project. In this day and age there are several new services that let you deploy an app just with a config file without having to deal with web servers or WSGI. But if you want to run your own server (e.g. via

Read More calendar 09 Oktoober, 2021

Welcome to the completely re-designed! The new design is complete different and is inspired by Brutalist web design (see if you are curious) but without exagerating - I still think that beauty is important. I have s

Read More calendar 18 Januar, 2021

Just a short follow up to my previous post of few months ago.My elected winner w...

Read More calendar 05 Auguscht, 2020

If you are using Django for running your blog or website you almost certainly need a WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editor to make your life – of the one of your writers – easier. I have tried pretty much all the editors available in the official

Read More calendar 13 Februar, 2020

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