Articles in electron

While the good folks at Electron are fixing the issue for submitting to the apple store I decided to take the dust of my windows razer laptop and do what electron is supposed to do so well: build a windows version for my retro MP3 player. With the excelle

Read More calendar 10 Novämber, 2019

My last post  made it to hacker news where there are over 420 comments about this issue. I am glad that this bug got some widespread attention and I am also grateful to the electron developers that are looking for a way to fix the private API us

Read More calendar 05 Novämber, 2019

Finding the right design for an app can be tricky. With so many CSS frameworks I se the usual suspects (bootstrap, material design etc.) pretty much everywhere. I can't blame developers for using them. It is very easy to be up and running in no time but..

Read More calendar 05 Novämber, 2019

Allright, as a follow up to the previous chapter in this odyssey I can now state that, apparently, you cannot submit an electron 6 or 7 app to the apple store: The first refusal from apple states: Your app app links against the following non-public framew

Read More calendar 02 Novämber, 2019

Another day another try :) So my first attempt was a mixed bag. I managed to start submit the package to apple but the review says that they cannot open files. The big issue with electron (now I am using Electron 7) is that – unlike Flutter for example –

Read More calendar 28 Oktoober, 2019

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