Articles in electron

If you are building a “tray app” - so an app that only appears on the tray and not the dock (applicable only to Mac OS X as Windows and. think Linux do not have the dock) you first need to hide the dock: app.on('ready', () => { // hides dock for

Read More calendar 27 Oktoober, 2019

Alright, I haven’t given up on submitting my electron app to the Apple Store. So I decided to give electron-packager a try. I have found a tutorial here but I did have to customize a few things: First you can run the signing process directly from electron

Read More calendar 26 Oktoober, 2019

As you can read in my how to notarize an electron package I did manage to have my OS X app notarized (so it doesn’t show a warning when a user tries to install from thee dmg) but what if I want to publish my app on the apple store ? To do that you need a

Read More calendar 26 Oktoober, 2019

I have been spending a lot of time on figuring out how to comply with the new apple requirements about Notarizing your app. In short, unless your Mac OS X app is notarized, it would be impossible to distribute it directly to users without nasty warnings t

Read More calendar 24 Oktoober, 2019

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