Articles in jamstack

I have to admit that I have been stuggling a back and forth between static and dynamic blogging in the whole 2021😁. Just before Christmas I even moved this blog back to Django as I was charmed by the added flexibility of a dynamic site. Search can be done

Read More calendar 09 Januar, 2022

I have already covered how to deploy your Swift Saga site on Vercel and for windows affecionados on Azure but there is another simple and free option:Github pages If you are looking for a simple way to host your static website done with made with Saga in

Read More calendar 24 Oktoober, 2021

In my previous article I discussed how to deploy a Swift static website on Azure Static web pages. As of today, I think that Vercel has a much more compelling offer (you can see a comparison here comparison here and is much more user friendly). In Vercel

Read More calendar 23 Oktoober, 2021

Few days ago I wanted to try something different. I have some static website generated using Saga a static site generator written in Swift. I found it to be simple but, by far, the best static site generator built on Swift. If you look through the documen

Read More calendar 19 Oktoober, 2021

Today I tried Azure Static Web Apps. The offer tries to enter the growing market of static (or rather said frontend) web development. It supports the major frontend frameworks like Vue, React, Angular and all static HTML/Javascript websites. The pricing m

Read More calendar 18 Oktoober, 2021

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